TrueGrid® Advanced Training Class
Merging, with Diagnostics

New users are frequently surprised to learn just how complex controlling
node merging can be. Experienced users know that it is very important to
not only be able to control the merging, but to quickly find those nodes
that have not been merged -- especially when you have over a million nodes
to search.


Recent years have seen many of the analysis codes move more strongly towards
defining boundary conditions in terms of sets of elements and nodes.
TrueGrid has the ability to define these sets in terms of
the actual model geometry. This is a feature set that has been greatly
expanded in recent years.

Advanced "block" command features

The most important application of this technology is the ability to form
strongly coupled fluid/solid meshes consisting of hexahedral fluid elements
and quadrilateral solid elements.

Interactive 3D Curve Usage

This could be half a day on just this one topic. When none of the global
methods produce the right mesh, constructing the right 3D curves and then
attaching edges of the mesh to these curves can be an essential ability.
Any place that the mesh needs to twist as it moves around or through
a feature is a good candidate for a few guiding curves.


The idea of replication can be applied at various different levels in a
block-structured mesh. For example, when meshing the 2 femurs, although
they are not mirror images of one another, they are close enough that the
block structure -- after initialization and before projection -- from one
femur can be mirrored and used as the starting point for the other. We
will demonstrate this example and also show some clever applications of
TrueGrid's 3 levels of transformation commands.

Beam Commands

Beam elements are important in numerous modeling applications from spotwelds
to rebar. TrueGrid has 2 different sets of beam commands, each with
their own strengths, weaknesses and abilities.


Expressions provide a very powerful means of distributing nodes in a quite
subtle and dramatic fashion. But their interaction with other commands,
such as bb can be puzzling. We will cover the details of how
expressions are evaluated in TrueGrid and discuss the implications
of this algorithm when used in conjunction with other commands.

Coloring / Printing

TrueGrid can be used to generate very high quality colored
images, but it helps to know a couple of "tricks". These techniques
will be covered as well as general advice about integrating
TrueGrid's images with Adobe PhotoShop and Illustrator.

Parameterization Strategies

We will cover various parameterization schemes from those used in shape
optimization to those providing localized mesh refinement. TrueGrid
not only has the ability to parameterize the mesh density, but can
parameterize what other codes call primitives: nodes, faces and volumes.
We will look at several examples of parameterized meshes.

Block Boundaries

We will look at both inter- and intra-part block boundaries and see how
many of the new commands are learning to ignore these "invisible gluings".
Other sub-topics include using transition elements, creating orthogonal
regions with a normal offset and, applying block boundaries to transformed


We will look at determining which elliptic smoothing algorithm to
use as well as when, where and how to use it.
With some of the newer algorithms, making a high quality mesh can be as
simple as laying out the multi-block structure, projecting the appropriate
faces and invoking smoothing.

History Window

Though this topic is introduced in the Introductory Course, it is possible
to perform quite sophisticated debugging of a mesh problem with all of the
options that are available.

Re-entrant Part / Part Database

The long-awaited re-entrant part capability will be new to version 3.0,
due to be released this Fall. The associated part database was actually
started in version 2.0 when we added the ability to save block boundaries
and read them back from a file in another part. The usefulness of this
ability will be demonstrated and extended to include the new features.

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