TrueGrid®Introductory Training Outline
I. Overview Of TrueGrid A. Document, Tutorial, Examples, Hotline B. Computing Environment C. Structures and Fluids D. Interactive And Batch/Execution E. Batch Interrupt/Resume F. Files G. Help and Menu Windows H. Control Phase I. Part Phase J. Merge Phase K. Information Commands L. Command syntax M. Parameters (PARA) including intrinsics N. Expressions ( "[...]" ) O. Error and Warning Messages P. Extensive UNDO (HISTORY, ACTCMD, DECMD, UPDATE) II. Graphical User Interface A. Text Window B. Menus C. Dialogue Window (DIAL) D. Help Window (HELP) E. Physical Window F. Computational Window G. Environment Window H. Pop-up Windows I. Point-and-click mouse controls J. Point-and-click coordinates K. Grabbing Text L. Function Keys M. Distance, Angle, and Transform III. TrueGrid Geometry A. 2D Curves (LD, APLD, LCD, NDD) B. 3D Curves (CURD, RMSEG, DCD, ACD, RCD, RACD) C. Surfaces (SD, DSD, ASD, RSD, ANSD, LASD, ACCURACY) D. Curve and Surface fitting IV. Importing CAD/CAM Geometry A. Reading IGES data (IGES, IGESFILE) B. IGES binary files (SAVEIGES, USEIGES) C. NURBS (NURBS, NURBSD) D. Planes (IGESP, IGESPD) E. Other Surfaces (IGESS, IGESSD) F. 3D Curves and Composites (IGC, IGESCD) G. Trimmed Surfaces H. Levels and Groups (DLV, ALV, RLV, DGRP, AGRP, RGRP) V. Initializing A New Part A. BLOCK and CYLINDER commands B. Point and Click vertex placement 1. move single closest vertex - automatic selection 2. select set of vertices - moves center of set 3. screen plane 4. coordinate constraint movement - depends on system 5. front view constraint w/ cross hairs 6. attach to another node 7. project to a curve, edge, or surface C. PBS - Place A Vertex Onto A Surface Or Curve 1. dialogue box with options 2. attach without options D. TR - Transform The Initial Coordinates E. CUR, CURF, CURE, and EDGE - Placement Along A 3D Curve 1. dialogue for each 2. attach means CUR or EDGE F. PATCH - face mapped to 4-edged surface G. SPLINT - cubic spline edges H. BB command - Block Boundary Interface VI. Computational Mesh A. Regions B. Highlighting C. Multiple Regions Selection D.E. Multiple Faces Selection F. Multiple Edges Selection G. Multiple Vertices Selection H. Progressions I. Shells J. Holes K. Beams L. Sets M. Graphics Control N. Deleting A region (DE, DEI) O. Peeling (RG, ARG, RRG, DARG, DARGED) P. Inserting a New Region (INSPRT) VII. Projection Method A. Smooth Surfaces B. Piecewise Smooth Surfaces C. Surface Concatenation D. Intersection Of Three Surfaces E. Intersection Of Two Surfaces F. Intersection Of More Than Three Surfaces G. Projection Onto A Single Surface With Low Curvature H. Projection Onto A Single Surface With High Curvature I. Nodal Distribution Along Edges (RES, DRS, NDS, AS) VIII. Interpolation And Smoothing A. Linear, Bi-Linear, and Tri-linear Interpolation B. Default Interpolation - Modification 1. Edges 2. Faces 3. Volumes C. Multiple Regions Interpolated Together (LIN, LINI) D. Transfinite Interpolation (TF, TFI) E. Equipotential Relaxation (RELAX, RELAXI) F. Thomas-Middlecoff Elliptic Solver (THE, TMEI) IX. Command Hierarchy A. Commands Are Not Executed In The Order They Are Entered B. Each Change To The Mesh Requires That The Mesh Be Rebuilt C. Must Tell TrueGrid To Draw Before It Rebuilds The Mesh D. Vertices Are Positioned First E. Edges are Placed Between The Vertices F. Faces Are Then Placed Between The Edges G. Interior Nodes Are Interpolated Last H. Complex Order Of Events Known As The Hierarchy X. Special Elements and Conditions A. B command - constraint nodes B. Nodal, Facial, And Volume Conditions in the part phase C. Sets in the part phase (NSET) D. Sets in the merge phase (NSET) E. Nodal, Facial, And Volume Conditions in the merge phase F. Manipulating Existing Conditions (INFOL, RML, RSL) G. Displaying Conditions (LABELS, CONDITION) H. Orientations (ORPT, N, OR) I. Materials (MATE, MT) J. Contact/Sliding Interfaces (SID, SI) K. Joints and Nodal Shared Constraints (JD, JT) L. Shell and Brick Transition Elements (TRBB) M. Point Masses, Springs, and Dampers N. Beams in the Merge Phase (BM) XI. Importing A Mesh A. READMESH command (NASTRAN, NEUTRAL, & DYNA3D) B. Information on the mesh C. Changing/Translating the mesh/conditions/loads/properties XII. Transformations A. Rotations B. Translations C. Scaling D. Complex Transformations XIII. Part Duplication A. Local Transformation Definitions B. Local Replications C. Global Transformations D. Global Replications XIV. Output and Analysis Options A. Output - structured option must be first B. Material models And EOS C. Analysis XV. Mesh Diagnostics A. Part Information B. Mass And Moments C. Mesh Quality Check D. Special Conditions Displayed XVI. Node Merging and Writing The Output File A. Merging Commands - when entering merge phase (T, TP, STP) B. Special Tolerance For Nodes Within A Part (PTOL) C. Special Tolerance Between Parts (BPTOL) D. Sliding Interfaces And Joints Do Not Merge E. Free Edges and Free Surfaces and other diagnostics F. Dummy Sliding Interface Avoids Merging G. Write The Output File (WRITE) Home Page Questions, comments, suggestions Copyright © 1996-2013 XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. All rights reserved. |