XYZ Scientific Applications Consulting Services

Expert TrueGrid® users at XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc., with many years of mesh generation experience, are available for consultation in mesh generation. You may wish to use this service for several reasons. Your mesh generation problem will be solved in the minimal time and effort, producing an optimal mesh for your application. The resulting TrueGrid® session file can be used as an input deck to produce the same mesh. With a little more effort, the session file can be transformed using parameters so that it can build a whole class of meshes, automatically. This consulting is also a good way to evaluate TrueGrid® for your applications. Mesh generation consulting can be contracted by the hour or for a fixed amount. For a free estimate, contact the corporate office. All proprietary information is kept confidential.

XYZ Scientific Applications professional staff offer on-site training for TrueGrid®. Cost is based on expenses and time. Any number of people can attend on-site classes, but 10 is usually optimal. Contact the corporate office for a schedule.

Your mesh generation needs may be unique, requiring customized code development. TrueGrid® code developers are available to add special features to TrueGrid® to meet your needs. This work is done on an hourly basis or for a fixed amount. Contact the corporate office for a free estimate.

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